Riconoscimento HR
Centri di competenza
Marketing e IT
CX, front e back-end
Scenari CX e Social
Innovazione e rischi
Operatori SuperEroi
Detrattori - Promotori
Nuovo Servizio Clienti
Banche e social
Integrazione social
Creare Clienti Fan
Parole di Esperienza
Ieri Oggi Domani
CX e collaboratori
Comuni - ContactC
Bots v/s App
Artificial Intelligence
Relazione "human"
Errori su Social
Report DimensionD
Servizi in Cloud
CRM oggi
Work at home
Clienti non numeri
Self Service e CX
Quale CX oggi?
CRM digital auto
Successione appalti
Formazione Social
Digital Experience
Settori di attività
Telemarketing B2B
CX contro silos
Osservatorio CX
Multichannel c.c.
Relazioni con banche
Standard SIP
KPI di successo
Cuffie e innovazione
Big Data e CC - 2013
Custom engagement
Banche esperience
Nuovo contactcenter
Manager Assistant
Performance Manage
Nuovo Marketing
Big Data e CC
Stipendio CRM
Next generation
M2M internet cose
Decalogo e.mail
SM e Servizio Clienti
Auguri significativi
ING Direct USA
Direttiva UE
Social Customer S
UCC Contact Center
Luca D'Ambrosio
Intelligence nella CE
Il caso GiffGaff
Cambio dei media
Social Media C C
Per ogni interazione
SM e Servizio Clienti
Manager paraocchi
Social M e Comunità
Esperienza e azioni
Committente parte4
Gestione Feedback
Committente parte3
Committente parte2
Committente parte1
Voce Cliente 2.0
Eccellenza servizio
Gestire Reclami
Pensieri 2011
Staff Retention
Integrazione con SN
Insegnare il SC
First Call Res.on
Oggi 2010
Indagini on-line
Team Chat
Web Customer S.
Troppi KPI?
Proroga 81/08
Dare e avere
Tele operatore
Gravi Errori
Fedeltà cliente
Evoluzione futura
Ricette relazione
Quale interazione
Sergio Abramo
Customer Service
Qualche riflessione
Misurare l'AHT?
Reinventare il CS
Manager Comunità
Benchmarking 2009
Rapporto Banche
Digital Signage
Test CC virtuale
Favole famose
Glossario Marketing
Saper vendere
Aziende Aperte
Capo Community
Outbound in UK
Qualità voce IP
Attività Energia
Strategie BPO
Collaboration 2.0
Redazionali 08-09
Contact Workspace
Business Mkt 2.0
Customer Sat
Sw as a Service
Contact Center 2.0
Gare di appalto
Valore del Cliente
Marketing Web 2.0
Prospect Relat. Mkt
Soddisfazione C
Customer Lifetime
Addetti soddisfatti
Cust. Retention
+ Qualità - Costi
Il caso Atesia
Cambiare business
Ricerca Aspect
Parlo con l'acqua?
Da Il Sole 24 Ore
N. Verde Banche
Elenchi telefonici
Ciclo vita e Crm
Vivere nei CC
Nuovo Garante
Per Committenti
LightHouse IFM
Soluzioni speech
Mercato Francia
Outsourcing Usa
Innovazione e CC
TLC 2004 in UE
Valore HelpDesk
Riunioni efficaci
Customer Service
Pensieri per 2004
Principi gestionali
Prezzi ricerche
"Total Access"
Aiuto ai clienti
Survey multilingue
Investire in GB
C.C. virtuali in rete
Delega Lavoro
Famiglie on-line
Profilo Manager
Nuovi Help Desk
Agenda fine2002
Dis.legge Co.co.co.

URP: cambiamenti
Sla per competere
Telelavoro 2002
Forme Contrattuali
URP e Cittadini
Indagini Customer
Scritto a HelpDesk
Giocate: test Q.I.
Legge privacy 2002
Call Center e India
Dialoghi curiosi
Relazione e Internet
Euro: info utili
Nuovi simboli
Cirm: Rapporto Crm
Libro Risorse Umane
La storia delle cuffie
Capacità Ascolto
Sondaggio atipici
Forum su Crm
E-mail e spamming
Formazione interinali
Il Crm di PWC
Valore opinioni
Consumi e Crm
Datamonitor 2000
Ricerca lavoro
Regole di training
Atipici flessibili
Rassegna libri
Cambio personale
Italiani e P.U.
Integrazione IT
Portabilità tlc
Mercato francese
800 in Francia
Aziende e Clienti
Nuovi contatti
Nuovo Marketing
Tariffe TAT
Banca virtuale
Fondi al telefono
Pillole antistress
Ambiente di lavoro
Attenzione Cliente
CRM in Italia
Lavori atipici
Borsa e CallCenter
Verso l'e-business
E-commerce B2C
Skill Agenti
Indici performance
Le misurazioni

L'industria di CT
Telefonini e CC
Garante operativo
Call Center e 675
Circa la 675
Dagli UK
Knowledge Manager
Microsoft Vision
Infedeltà del cliente
Confronti Europa
Risorse e conflitto
Valore dei servizi
Privacy e TLC
Sicurezza on line
Riflessioni off-line
One to one, oggi


Rassegna libri dedicati ai Call Center
(tutti 25 i libri segnalati sono scritti in lingua inglese)

The Call Center Dictionary
Bodin M., Dawson K., : The Complete Guide to Call Center and Help Desk Tecnology and Operations, Miller Freeman Books, 1999.

Call Center Management on Fast Forward
Cleveland B., Mayben J., : Succeding in Today's Dynamic Inbound Environment, Call Center Paperback, 1999.

Call Center Handbook
Dawson K., : The Complete guide to Starting, Running and Improving Your Call Center, Miller Freeman Books, 1999.

Call Centre Outsourcing
The guide by Mike Havard and David Reed
Key chapters include:
Principles of outsourcing
Strategic options available
The business case for outsourcing
Evaluating outsourced service providers
Effective tendering
Liabilities and TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings)
Tthe legal framework
Contracts and service level agreements
Relationships with suppliers
Dealing with the problems
Further contacts and reference sources
Published by CALLcraft, A5 141 pages £22.90 incl P&P
ISBN 0 9529239-3-9

An Idea a Day for Call Centre Managers
by Kevin Hook Bursting
This book covers almost every aspect of managing a modern call centre. The author offers proven advice on all the operational issues - motivation, recruitment, coaching etc. together with emerging issues such as outbound telemarketing, call avoidance and best practice use of IVR. There is also a chapter which contains more than 50 frequently asked questions, together with Kevin’s answers.
Published by CALLcraft, June 1998 £27.90 inc P&P A5 paperback (192 pages) ISBN 0 9529239-2-0

Call Centre Management
A practical guide by Janette Menday, sponsored by Nortel
Content: People, Service, Levels, Technology, and Project Management Operations Paperback book, A5 size with 192 pages £19.90 incl P&P published by CALLcraft, ISBN 0 9529239 0 4

The Human Face of Call Centre Management
by Kevin Hook Contents
Iinclude essential reading on:
Recruitment and Selection Training and Skills
Development Motivation in the Call Centre
Measurements Call Centre Culture
Published by CALLcraft.1998. Price £29.90 including package and posting. A5 paperback, 208 pages

Maximising Call Center Performance
136 Ideas for Your Call Center by Madeleine Bodin
This text gives examples of how companies can leverage call centre technology to serve their unique needs, and how at the same time they can create a positive experience for customers. Solutions from leading call centres are provided for the problems behind basic call centre functions. Click here for more information. Paperback - 140 pages (1998) £14.99* McGraw-Hill Publishing Company; ISBN: 1578200261

The Call Center Handbook
by Keith Dawson
This is an authoritative guide to the essentials of establishing and operating an efficient call centre. It covers the full range of topics including buying the right equipment and software, monitoring agents, measuring productivity and enhancing customer relationships. It explains how to run an innovative centre effectively, including the successful use of interactive voice response, fax-on-demand, e-mail and web sites. Paperback - 325 pages (25 October, 1999) Miller Freeman Books ISBN: 1578200474

by Stephen Coscia
Stress in call centres can be a big problem. According to a survey, 98% of call centre employees experience at least one stressful call each day - mostly from irate customers. This book provides commom-sense strategies that cope with tele-stress, in order to create a more pleasant environment. Paperback - 128 pages (1999) £10.99 R & D books; ISBN: 1578200296

The Call Center Dictionary
by Madeleine Bodin and Keith Dawson
Demystifies some of the mind numbing jargon and buzz words you often hear thrown around in this industry. Paperback - 277 pages (August 1999) £12.00* Miller Freeman Books; ISBN: 1578200431 NOTE: US edition

Call Center savvy
How to Position Your Call Center for the Business Challenges of the 21st Century.
by Keith Dawson
A call centre is the core of a business's customer relationship strategy. This text aims to help position and improve call centres for long-term success. It explores how the call centre works, how it fits into the bigger picture of business strategy, what the future holds, how new technologies will affect operations, how international expansion is changing things and what the role of the Internet could ultimately be. Paperback - 208 pages (April 1999) Telecom Books; ISBN: 1578200504

Using the telephone more effectively
by Madeleine Bodin
A classic work from a writer and former editor of Call Center World Magazine.

Wake up your Call Center
How to be a Better Call Center Agent
by Rosanne d'Ausilio.
This text looks at how call centre agents can match the improvements in technology. It looks at how talk covering technical information and training, software and hardware, and new systems overshadows the people who make and take the calls. Paperback - 288 pages (1999) £19.95* Purdue University Press; ISBN: 1557531692

Call Center Metrics That Matter
by Frank L. Domurath, Jon Anton
Most companies have incorporated at least one call centre into their marketing mix. In many cases, they generate the only contacts with clients. This guide shows how to take full advantage of the call centre's capability in order to gain a strategic advantage in the marketplace. Hardcover - 112 pages (2000) £33.95 Purdue University Press; ISBN: 1557531838 Call Center Continuity Planning by Jim Rowan, Sharon Rowan Unbound - 444 pages (1999) £175.00* Auerbach; ISBN: 0849399823A

Call Center Performance Enhancement Using Simulation and Modeling
By Jon Anton, Bapat Vivek, Bill Hall
The management and design of call centres is increasing in complexity due to advancing technology and rising customer expectations. This guide provides managers with an understanding of the role, value and practical deployment of simulation in the planning, management and analysis of call centres. Paperback - 180 pages (1999) £30.03* Purdue Univ Pr; ISBN: 155753182X

Call Center Benchmarking (Deciding If Good Is Enough)
by Jon Anton, David Gustin Paperback
108 pages (15 June, 2000) £24.69* Purdue University Press; ISBN: 155753215X

Recruiting, Training and Retaining Call Centre Staff
by Toby Johnson, Paul Skeldon Spiral-bound - 40 pages (May 1998) £250.00 FT Finance ISBN: 1901988198

Telephone Banking & Call Centre Management
by Peter Fullbrook Paperback (December 1998) £75.00 CIB Publishing; ISBN: 0852975031

Call Centres: Strategies for Survival
by Max McKeown Spiral-bound (January 1999) £595.00 FT Finance; ISBN: 1902581148 Call Centres Tony Lockwood Hardcover (26 November, 1999) £195.00 Fenman Ltd; ISBN: 1872483917

Trade Unions and Call Centres
Philip Taylor, Peter Bain, Barry Jones (Editor), Peter Kavanagh (Illustrator) Hardcover ( 1 April, 2000) £5.00 MSF; ISBN: 0953858502

Inbound Call Centres: Design, Implementation and Management
Robert A. Gable BA Hardcover - 300 pages (31 January, 1993) £57.00 Artech House; ISBN: 089006640X

Delivers a conceptual overview of call centres
Tthe products that support them, the designs that make them work and the ongoing management that is required for their successful operation. Next Generation Call Centres David Bradshaw Paperback (April 1999) £1,495.00 Ovum; ISBN: 1902566092

Pay and Conditions in Call Centres
Incomes Data Services Spiral-bound (September 1997) £98.00 Incomes Data Services; ISBN: 0905525418

Callcenter Management: By the Numbers
Jon Anton, Jodie Monger, Debra Perkins The primary purpose of this book is to provide professional callcenter managers with a methodology for "managing their callcenter by the numbers." jmangiar@okidata.com from Mt. Laurel, NJ , 17 December, 1997 Paperback - 154 pages (September 1997) £30.03* Purdue University Press ISBN: 1557531129.